Shivani Mourya

About Dr Shivani Eye Care

Dr Shivani eye care is established by Dr Shivani Mourya in 2006 which is now rated as one of the best hospital in Indore.Our hospital has the most sophisticated equipments and well trained staff offering state of art technology to treat various eye disorders.We are providing best quality affordable eye care services to our patients.Our hospital is serving economically underprivileged patients through our free eye chack up camps.We have done thousands of successful eye surgeries at our center with excellent outcome and are committed to serve with the improved skills and enthusiasm in the future also.

A better life starts with a beautiful Eye

Dr Shivani Eye Care
202 Geetashri Apartment, near Papa Bakery, Pipliyahana Square, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452016

Dr.Shivani Mourya Eye Clinic
113-114, Vardhman Apartment, Main Road, Geeta Nagar, Lalaram Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452018

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